Prosperworks (now Copper) – Aggregated Reviews

ProsperWorks 01

August 2, 2019

We use G Suite + ProsperWorks CRM as our core (don’t use Excel) but it’s all around automating processes, integrating software (I’m obsessed with Airtable, I’m sure you’ve heard of it, if not, check it out right now. Trust me.)

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 02

August 2, 2019

I just set up a client on Prosperworks. Integrates seamlessly with Google and super user friendly. I previously tried Zoho and Jira with that client and they hated them. All depends on the users I guess.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 03

August 2, 2019

I tried about 5 of them before settling on ProsperWorks. It ties in with Gmail so it automatically parses data from messages for you to import – no manually adding contact info! It doesn’t have quite as much “built in” capabilities as some others, but it’s cheap, and you can do anything the other big ones do with some Zapier automation.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 04

August 2, 2019

If you use Gmail, check out ProsperWorks. Super intuitive, easily customizable, has built in task and project tracking.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 05

August 2, 2019

If your in GSuite, use prosperworks

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 06

August 2, 2019

Honestly, I think you would get more benefit out of using a good CRM like Prosperworks. Todoist has enough flexibility to do it but a CRM would do it more effectively.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 07

August 2, 2019

I just went through this experience. I was looking for something that could handle custom data relatively easily, integrated with Google well (I like Google products), and let me customize reporting. I ended up choosing to go with Prosperworks. You might give it a look, especially if you use Google products.
I looked at pipedrive but can’t recall exactly what turned me off from there. I use lots of data, so they may have had upload limits. I DQ’d quite a few for that including some of the larger ones.
I wanted to like Salesforce / Zoho but they seemed too bloated for my needs, but yours may be different than mine. Thats one thing I learned in my search. You really need to know what you care about because none of the CRMs that you would want to use do it all and the ones that do are pricey beasts. So if simplicty and usability are important to you, then you need to be ready to settle on some things, IMO. Any of them can be good or bad depending on your needs.
On the positive side, I found Prosperworks simple to setup, exported data to Google sheets for infinite dashboarding capabilities, custom fields, online file folders for opps, Google drive integration, Gmail integration, good app (Android for me), I like the pipeline view, and quite a few other things about it.
My biggest gripe with Prosperworks is that it lacks some workflow automation that I wanted. It’s more task/reminder driven, but I believe you can integrate with 3rd party apps if need be (I looked a KISSflow). I haven’t gone that far yet though.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 08

August 2, 2019

I would suggest Prosperworks, too. It imports your contacts easily. You don’t have to enter every single contact one by one. Also, since you asked, they have email templates and bulk sending feature available as well.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 09

August 2, 2019

If you use gmail/inbox, I would highly recommend Prosperworks. They even have a chrome extension which can work with your gmail. I believe it’s one of the easiest CRM to use in the market.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 10

August 2, 2019

I changed CRMs several times before landing on Google Apps + Prosperworks. It’s definitely not the least expensive CRM out there but I love the two way sync with Google Apps and the fact that all of my client history (emails, calendar events, etc.) populates from Google Apps without any additional work from me… most other CRMs require blind copying a dropbox or something similar to capture emails and entering appointments on the CRM side and not from Google Calendar in order to capture calendar events.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 11

August 2, 2019

We have been researching the best CRM’s available on the market for years and tried many of them out internally. We wanted to find the best one on the market and partner up with them and we ended up choosing ProsperWorks. If your company is using G Suite, it’s bar-none the best CRM on the market.
For your specific examples, what you should be doing is having these people input as “opportunities” and then moving them through a funnel/pipeline. E.g. “Pospecting, Appointment Scheduled, Working Proposal, Negotiation/Engagement, Short-term Follow-up, Long-term Follow-up.” And with PW you can set it so when you move an opportunity to a specific pipeline, it will automatically create a task. E.g. Move to “short-term follow-up” you can have it auto create a task telling you to give x a call in 4 days.
I’d stay away from the “free” alternatives. Especially the hubspot option. They aren’t a CRM company. They just want you to buy their marketing software at the end of the day. You will get an “alright” CRM from them that will never be more than a marketing tool to try and convert people to their main software.
A CRM should be the most important part of managing your business. If it helps you sell one job, it essentially pays for itself for the year. So use a company that is innovating and staying on the cutting edge in this industry, don’t pick one that is “free” simply because ooh! “free is free!”
For invoicing you can use whatever admin software you use like QBO or a standalone software like Harvest.
For proposals/contracts/estimates/agreements/document signing/etc. use PandaDoc – they have a Chrome Extension that works with ProsperWorks. We have reduced the time it takes to send out proposals/contracts to clients by easily 60%. A proposal that used to take us 2 hours now takes us under an hour. We send it over, see how long they spend on each page, they can respond to us from right within the proposal, and they can e-sign it right there. It has helped our selling rate as well. We have seen the same success with our clients as well. We focus on efficiency and this is our #1 recommended proposal/contract software.
At the end of the day, go with companies that are actually innovating in their respective fields. Companies that are focusing on a specific service offering and building the best damn software available for that thing. Make sure it integrates with your other software. e.g. your CRM better talk with your proposal software. Make sure whatever software you use has deep integration with Zapier so you can hand data off between them and reduce manual entry.
ProsperWorks is by-far the nicest looking CRM on the market, has a beautiful and functional mobile app (iOS & Android) and much of their employees have come over from Salesforce (I’m sure you’ve heard of them..) so they are focused on the right things a CRM should be focused on, trying very hard not to make the system bloated or confusing.
They are venture backed for something like $34m, have more than 140k users, and are growing rapidly while actually innovating in the industry. With automated actions, the CRM starts telling you who and when to follow up with people on it’s own. With other CRMs, you have to tell them when to tell you to follow-up. Innovation and efficiency is their main focus. Yes, I am going to back a company like that. StreakCRM , Pipedrive , Hubspot , basecrm, none of those are doing what ProsperWorks is doing right now. I know this because we have tried all of them. We have switched clients over to ProsperWorks from all of these players too for one reason or another where it just didn’t work for them at scale.
I’m sure this sounded pretty sales-pitchy, truth of the matter is just that I love their product as it has made running my company and scaling manageable. So much so that it’s the only CRM we offer our clients (we are IT consultants & Managed Services Providers). It has worked for our clients in construction, engineering, law firms, medical device companies, as well as other industries, and most importantly, our own company.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 12

August 2, 2019

Just seeing this now. The only real solution that fits what you are talking about is ProsperWorks CRM. You can team it up with PieSync’s lowest tier to get 2-way-sync. Have been using it for a couple years now and love it.

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 13

August 2, 2019

I used it with our team extensively for about a year. The integration with Google and the material design similarities make it and easy transition for anyone, the learning curve is very small because everything still looks like Google . Building it or own custom pipelines and automation was great.
I’ve would say though, any CRM is only as good as how much you use it. If you manage your contacts elsewhere and are just part time using Prosperworks then that’s not really gonna work. Pretty much have to be all in and build habits

Reddit Anonymous User

ProsperWorks 14

August 2, 2019

But let’s not get caught up in names. What’s really important is the direction the newly-named company is taking. No longer is it just ProsperWorks, a great CRM application. Now it’s Copper, a great, Google-based, CRM application. Since its start as a Chrome add-on, the company has always been known for its integration with Google. In fact, whenever I’ve recommended ProsperWorks to prospective users it’s always been to companies that are deeply ingrained with Google applications like G Suite and Gmail.
Why? Because the company is taking its relationship with Google a giant step further. It is moving its application to Google’s cloud hosting platform and participating in Google’s SaaS Sales Alignment Program that encourages Google developers to share and create integrated tools for each other’s applications within G Suite. Copper already works natively within G Suite so that users don’t have to switch applications. Going forward Copper is going to enhance its workflow tools and expand its already deep integration with Gmail, Hangouts, Data Studio and more.
I’m not sure I entirely get the name change. But I definitely get the strategy. This is how smart companies in the CRM space will succeed in the years to come: by aligning themselves with a major platform.

Reddit Anonymous User

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Changelog – pre-ecosystem era

v0.1.8 Hound @ – b2b prospecting platform

v0.1.8.1 Business directory – content experiment to support b2b prospecting platform.

v0.1.6 GRIN tech affiliate program is live.

v0.1.5.2 Working on cool in-house lead gen project - Art Director is preparing 100 picks of Business Cards in various niches.

v0.1.5.1 GRIN games emerged

As a web agency we never could and never will be able to escape the urge of building things.
Among million other things we played with an idea of text-based games and the last piece that was missing was the story itself. So via in-house outreach platform we found two established writers that believed in the project and agreed to participate.

Shout out to Richard Abbott who wrote Fraud on Thetis and Eva Pohler who sent us a huge draft we are still reading through.

v0.1.4 GRIN launcher is born.
It is an outreach platform that we use to establish connections with editorial teams.
They say samples of published articles look good but pricing looks even better

At some point we realised that list building, fetching contact details & outreach tech work just as well for b2b lead generation

v0.1.3 Once, we fell in love with ecommerce, because of short feedback cycles on marketing & development efforts.
Today we ship into production inhouse SaaS project - AVOKADO - the web app for learning languages with flash cards.

The year after we built it we realised how long is the road map ahead & what resources we'd need to promote it and decided to put it on hold.

One day as we ship GRIN tech v3.0 into production we'll distrupt the language learning market with Avokado.

We love Wordpress and recently shipped two plugins into open beta for commercial sale.

v0.1.2.2 King The Monk - wordpress plugin to virally grow your email list

v0.1.2.1 Plain Conversions - wordpress plugin to convert your visitors

v0.1.1. Expanded core offering to visual productions

v0.1 It's Autumn 2017 and GRIN tech agency's website is born.
We have it saved for the history.

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