Bullhorn Aggregated Reviews

Bullhorn 01

August 2, 2019

That’s my 2 cents. I’ve used Bullhorn, but that’s a CRM with ATS.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 02

August 2, 2019

Bullhorn is well know and mostly preferred by large agencies. You can use it if you are running a small agency but it will too expensive for you. Bullhorn offers many features like resume parsing, reports, invoicing etc. Bullhorn being the leader has a good market share.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 03

August 2, 2019

Bullhorn is a bit of a rubbish company and platform though, slow, looks awful and seems to lock you in through high costs and innovation out through marketplace overheads.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 04

August 2, 2019

I’ve done recruiting without an ATS and I never will again. It’s possible, but it slows you down so much that in the end, the $100/mo or so that it costs per user is more than earned back. I use Bullhorn and if I worked in a company or with a partner who I trusted to be in the system, id happily give them my login to see what’s going on with candidates/jobs while I’m on vacation.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 05

August 2, 2019

I’ll rank the systems I’ve used in order of my preference;
1: Bullhorn
2: Profile CRM (Custom Build)
3: Bond Adapt (fuck this program to death and back)
I really liked bullhorn, especially after being forced to use Bond Adapt for 6 years it’s literally the most confusing pile of steaming dogshit that’s ever been coded.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 06

August 2, 2019

This isn’t about your CRM this is about your parsing tool (e.g. Daxtra / Burning Glass). The parsing tool extracts the data from the CV and auto populates fields in your CRM. In terms of agency side CRMs however: Bullhorn are the biggest and truly global. I’d look at products with true LI integration. Different products for in-house though such as Workable, fall under ATS rather than CRM.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 07

August 2, 2019

You get what you pay for – I’d say start with the top of the line now and you won’t regret it. If the new ATS can help you make just one extra placement over it’s free alternative, it will have paid for itself a few times over. I would check out Bullhorn – it’s easy to use, lots of automation, cloud-based, new functionality every month, and you can choose how many modules you want or don’t want to fit your needs

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 08

August 2, 2019

Bullhorn by far the easiest to use. Integrates to everything we use – job boards, texting, phone, social media, etc

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 09

August 2, 2019

Second this. Ive used a few different systems through my time, when it came to setting up my own firm, Bullhorn was the one that I really wanted. Yes – it costs more than a few of the others, but the integration and tools it offers is fantastic, I think. It makes life easier which is worth $$$ in itself… Especially with the GDPR boogie man a lurking.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 13

August 2, 2019

I’ve used a few different platforms in my career and I can tell you Bullhorn is my favorite. Almost all of these comments are salesmen in this thread, I’m just a good ol’ end user. All of these smaller companies will never have the support and guarantee bullhorn does. If you are planning to stay in business long term, it just makes sense.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 10

August 2, 2019

We were on bullhorn, but switched over to Vincere. It’s half the price of bullhorn, twice as fast, better ui and essentially all the features we need to automate our recruitment. So far so good.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 12

August 2, 2019

CRMs are used for sourcing all the time (I see this more the in the HR/Recruiting space than this particular use case). Greenhouse the recruiting system just added CRM to do this. Bullhorn CRM has a recruiting piece. There are dozens of these I’ve seen people use.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 14

August 2, 2019

Crelate is pretty awesome. We tried a few things like bullhorn (was too complicated for a startup when we didn’t know what we were doing, and small team), big biller (missing some reporting functions) and Zoho (just crap and hard to use in general).

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 15

August 2, 2019

My firm is 400+ users and as the one leading the procurement efforts of a new ATS I can confidently say Bullhorn is by far, if not the, top-tier option in the space amongst all verticals.

Reddit Anonymous User

Bullhorn 16

August 2, 2019

I work for a smaller firm as well (20 corporate employees) and we switched to Loxo after looking at a ton of different ones last year. There are some similarities to Crelate, which we demo’d. Loxo is a pure ATS/CRM, but lacks back end support you get with Bullhorn for billing, payroll, etc.

Reddit Anonymous User

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Changelog – pre-ecosystem era

v0.1.8 Hound @ apps.the.gt – b2b prospecting platform

v0.1.8.1 Business directory – content experiment to support b2b prospecting platform.

v0.1.6 GRIN tech affiliate program is live.

v0.1.5.2 Working on cool in-house lead gen project - Art Director is preparing 100 picks of Business Cards in various niches.

v0.1.5.1 GRIN games emerged

As a web agency we never could and never will be able to escape the urge of building things.
Among million other things we played with an idea of text-based games and the last piece that was missing was the story itself. So via in-house outreach platform we found two established writers that believed in the project and agreed to participate.

Shout out to Richard Abbott who wrote Fraud on Thetis and Eva Pohler who sent us a huge draft we are still reading through.

v0.1.4 GRIN launcher is born.
It is an outreach platform that we use to establish connections with editorial teams.
They say samples of published articles look good but pricing looks even better

At some point we realised that list building, fetching contact details & outreach tech work just as well for b2b lead generation

v0.1.3 Once, we fell in love with ecommerce, because of short feedback cycles on marketing & development efforts.
Today we ship into production inhouse SaaS project - AVOKADO - the web app for learning languages with flash cards.

The year after we built it we realised how long is the road map ahead & what resources we'd need to promote it and decided to put it on hold.

One day as we ship GRIN tech v3.0 into production we'll distrupt the language learning market with Avokado.

We love Wordpress and recently shipped two plugins into open beta for commercial sale.

v0.1.2.2 King The Monk - wordpress plugin to virally grow your email list

v0.1.2.1 Plain Conversions - wordpress plugin to convert your visitors

v0.1.1. Expanded core offering to visual productions

v0.1 It's Autumn 2017 and GRIN tech agency's website is born.
We have it saved for the history.

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