WordStream Aggregated Reviews

Wordstream 01

August 8, 2019

PPC 101 from Wordstream is the hands down best at explaining the underlying function and principles of Adwords.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 02

August 8, 2019

Hey there, I work for a PPC management company and do free performance reviews, so I see a lot of accounts. From the accounts I have looked at, I usually see the best performance from Wordstream if you want to use a software.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 05

August 8, 2019

There are numerous bid and optimization automation solutions. I’d say the big three are Wordstream (which most agencies avoid), Optmyzr (perhaps most popular for agencies), Kenshoo, and many others.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 03

August 8, 2019

There are a few good options here, but Wordstream is definitely a solid choice as well.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 04

August 8, 2019

> Wordstream is not good
Wise words. The more I read about them on this subreddit, the more negative things I see. Thanks for the heads up.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 06

August 8, 2019

Not a fan of Wordsteam’s software, can’t speak to the services, but I’ve never had anybody tell me Wordstream is crushing it with their AdWords account. Not so with most other large/popular search agencies.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 07

August 8, 2019

I agree — I’ve had a number of experiences with WordStream just like yours. Total douchebags.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 08

August 8, 2019

WordStream was an awful platform to use, especially in relation to the cost vs features. Glad my first job was to cancel our contract with them.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 09

August 8, 2019

Wordstream needs to worry more about their terrible platform and a little less about getting people to use it. But what do I know.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 10

August 8, 2019

At least with Wordstream you can play it off as they are clearly a 3rd party company wanting to get paid. I wrote a post a few months back on how Google Ads “specialists” were doing the same thing, which is much more shady IMO.

Reddit Anonymous User

Wordstream 11

August 8, 2019

A couple of days ago, I get an email from a rep at WordStream. Typical sales pitch, “hey, haven’t heard from you in a while, blah, blah, blah.” My boss, the owner of our company also gets an email from the same guy, “your Adwords account is being mismanaged and you’re losing serious money each month! Your employee is wasting your money!”
Boss and I have been friends for almost 20 years. I’ve worked for him for 6 years running the online side of the company. There is no trust lost between us. He basically says, “WTF kind of email is this?! What a douche!”
I call the douche at WordStream, tell him his tactic is a dick move and that it was a really disrespectful thing to do. Not only that, WordStream doesn’t have access to our Adwords account, so they can’t account for our actual ad spend or see how our campaigns are setup. Douche now becomes super-douche and begins to tell me that my boss should be pissed about how I’m wasting his money and that I should be fired.
Whiskey? Tango? Foxtrot?!
Short story is, I send a message on Linkedin to the CEO of WordStream, get a verbal handjob in return. I also get an email from super-douches supervisor who says, “this is a coachable moment.” If one of my employees pulled a move like this, they’d be packing up their desk.
TLDR; Super-douche from WordStream tells my boss that I’m mismanaging his Adwords account and should be fired. Boss rolls his eyes, makes jerkoff motion, tells me to handle it. I call super-douche and he lives up to his newly given nickname. His management is “meh” about it.

Reddit Anonymous User

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Changelog – pre-ecosystem era

v0.1.8 Hound @ apps.the.gt – b2b prospecting platform

v0.1.8.1 Business directory – content experiment to support b2b prospecting platform.

v0.1.6 GRIN tech affiliate program is live.

v0.1.5.2 Working on cool in-house lead gen project - Art Director is preparing 100 picks of Business Cards in various niches.

v0.1.5.1 GRIN games emerged

As a web agency we never could and never will be able to escape the urge of building things.
Among million other things we played with an idea of text-based games and the last piece that was missing was the story itself. So via in-house outreach platform we found two established writers that believed in the project and agreed to participate.

Shout out to Richard Abbott who wrote Fraud on Thetis and Eva Pohler who sent us a huge draft we are still reading through.

v0.1.4 GRIN launcher is born.
It is an outreach platform that we use to establish connections with editorial teams.
They say samples of published articles look good but pricing looks even better

At some point we realised that list building, fetching contact details & outreach tech work just as well for b2b lead generation

v0.1.3 Once, we fell in love with ecommerce, because of short feedback cycles on marketing & development efforts.
Today we ship into production inhouse SaaS project - AVOKADO - the web app for learning languages with flash cards.

The year after we built it we realised how long is the road map ahead & what resources we'd need to promote it and decided to put it on hold.

One day as we ship GRIN tech v3.0 into production we'll distrupt the language learning market with Avokado.

We love Wordpress and recently shipped two plugins into open beta for commercial sale.

v0.1.2.2 King The Monk - wordpress plugin to virally grow your email list

v0.1.2.1 Plain Conversions - wordpress plugin to convert your visitors

v0.1.1. Expanded core offering to visual productions

v0.1 It's Autumn 2017 and GRIN tech agency's website is born.
We have it saved for the history.

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